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8 – 11 Nov 2020
Associate Professor, School of Design & Architecture | Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Dr Bhakti More

Dr Bhakti More is an Associate Professor at Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai campus, School of Design & Architecture. She co-ordinates the Placements and Internship for Students of Architecture and Design. A doctorate from School of Built Environment, University of Salford, Manchester, UK, her area of interest is social and environmental sustainability. As a co-ordinator for Conservation and Environment Club she believes that engaging youth in sustainability initiatives can help to build a sustainable future. Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai campus has received awards for ‘Best Green campus audit’ and ‘Best Sustainability action project’ in the Sustainable Campus Initiative by the Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi supported by Borogue and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for three consecutive years, 2015 to 2018. She was nominated by Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi to attend International Green Education Event in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2016 to present on ‘Sustainable Campus initiative’ of Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai campus. She is a recipient of ‘Prof Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders’ award 2018. She co-ordinates the CSR activities for the University and believes that engaging youth in various social and environmental initiatives can create an inclusive, resilient and sustainable society. She is a mentor in the Link Program in the UAE that focuses on Creating more inspiring female talent and member of the core team of ‘Manipal Beyond Gender’ an initiative that enhances gender inclusivity and diversity and organizes mentorship program for the youth as well as encourages female students for leadership roles in their careers.